April 6 — Historic East Side Longmont (northern half)

North of 6th, west of Martin, south of 9th, and east of Main

High temperature about 65 today.  It was the first day I didn’t wear my red sweatshirt out for my walk.

This is the northern part of the neighborhood known as the Historic East Side.

OldEastLongmontNorth 023

OldEastLongmontNorth 039



There is a historic church on Martin & Longs Peak…


Kensington 030



At one time, Longmont High School was at this location.  Two of my kids had many good years at this school when it was Twin Peaks Charter Academy.    1925… that was the year my father was born!!!


orignally Longmon High School

orignally Longmont High School

OldEastLongmontNorth 006


These crosswalks were fairly controversial a few years ago, as they were fairly expensive.  I have to admit I kind of like them, though.

We have eaten at Tasty Asia many times…  good, fast food at a reasonable price!


OldEastLongmontNorth 004OldEastLongmontNorth 003OldEastLongmontNorth 007


Jennifer & I both agree this is a kind of confusing garage decor.  The wolves, the lizard, and the tile mosaic… what exactly are they  trying to say??  Nicely done,  though!

OldEastLongmontNorth 040OldEastLongmontNorth 041


If I am ever appointed to be Paint Czar, you’re going to see a lot more buildings like these:


OldEastLongmontNorth 043

OldEastLongmontNorth 032OldEastLongmontNorth 016OldEastLongmontNorth 002


I was totally surprised when I came across this giant carving of a baseball bat… just a half-block east of Main Street.   You can’t quite read it in the photo, but ‘Home Run’ is inscribed in the base.

OldEastLongmontNorth 038


This picture doesn’t do it justice, but this is an ENORMOUS tree (or maybe several trees), on top of a ridge of dirt that seems out of place, with an old brick shed in the background.


OldEastLongmontNorth 057


I finished reading two good books in the last couple weeks.  One is a re-read of Animal Farm by George Orwell (Eric Blair).  A very fast read, and quite well done.

Animal Farm wiki

The other book was My Sister, My Love   by Joyce Carol Oates.  This is loosely inspired by the JonBenet Ramsey murder in 1996, yet unsolved, that happened in nearby Boulder, Colorado.  I’ve never read anything by Oates before, but I was quite impressed by this book.  I’ll have to give some of her other books a try.

I consider myself fairly well-informed on this murder, having read several books on the matter (Perfect Murder, Perfect Town —  JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation —  The Death of Innocence — and others… and I mean to read the newer Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet, which promises to be good), as well as listening to countless hours of talk radio (Peter Boyles) discussing the matter.

Joyce Carol Oates

JonBenet Ramsey murder


Like I said, I thought this was a very good book, and would give it 4 or 5 stars.  The following reviewer (Judy Croome, from South Africa), apparently did not like the book at all, giving it one star on Amazon.com.   But I would have to say her review of the book is the best I’ve ever seen.   If you read the book first, her review will make a lot more sense.

Impressive review of My Sister, My Love


Total for today:  17,180  steps, 3:43 time

Seven new license plates!  Alabama, Kentucky, Maine, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Utah

Party in Collyer Park

Party in Collyer Park


I was detoured by the train

I was detoured by the train


another bottle fencelet

another bottle fencelet


Smile Now, Cry Later

Smile Now, Cry Later


Good Day, Sunshine

Good Day, Sunshine


Front yard Farm implements

Front yard Farm implements

Bee Friendly

Bee Friendly

Columbine School 1906

Columbine School 1906

Historic Church building
Historic Church building

Local radio stations

Local radio stations

not sure what a River Ninja is

not sure what a River Ninja is

more nice garage art (a bit  faded)

more nice garage art (a bit faded)

A Tree with Tumors???

A Tree with Tumors???

having lived in Lincoln, NE for almost 5 years, I had to put this in

having lived in Lincoln, NE for almost 5 years, I had to put this in

with a nice zodiac door

with a nice zodiac door


Rimless wheel

Rimless wheel

Playground train at Collyer Park

Playground train at Collyer Park

Cute dog

Cute dog

Impressive old house

Impressive old house

Construction across Main:  Old Hurricane Charlie's location / church

Construction across Main: Old Hurricane Charlie’s location / church

Another torii?  Note the squirrel and weather vane

Another torii? Note the squirrel and weather vane

4 thoughts on “April 6 — Historic East Side Longmont (northern half)

  1. I can’t tell you how much I have delighted in seeing my community through your eyes and camera lens these past few months! Love the whimsy and quippy photo captions. You have my utmost admiration for taking this on and you’re still going as planned. Wow!

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