August 25 — between Francis & Gay, between 17th & 21th

North of 17th, west of Gay, south of 21st, east of Francis.

Total for today:   11,240 steps and  1:52 time.

This was one of my very shortest walks of the year.  It’s also unusual in that I started at 6 PM instead of my usual 6 AM.  I also got a tiny bit of a sprinkle on me and a nice breeze, which has been unusual this summer.

I’ll make the commentary short today too, and just put in my pictures.  My final picture shows my first rainbow on this year’s walk… maybe that’s a good sign!

I'm pretty sure this car is too new for this bumper sticker...

I’m pretty sure this car is too new for this bumper sticker…


... I'd believe it on this car, though.

… I’d believe it on this car, though.

rock garden

rock garden

nice decor (tipped-over coat cans?)

nice decor (tipped-over coal cans?)

Bumper Sticker of the Day

Bumper Sticker of the Day

big chimney

big chimney

What year is it?

What year is it?

Carr Park

Carr Park

drainage ditch by the dog park

drainage ditch by the dog park

celebrating everything

celebrating everything

windshield stickers

windshield stickers

a nice rack

a nice rack

I like this garage door

I like this garage door

and this one too (especially the 1819 address format)

and this one too (especially the 1819 address format)

farmland in today's area

farmland in today’s area

spanish-style architecture

spanish-style architecture

the Alamo?

the Alamo?

vegetation of the day

vegetation of the day

not sure why kids can't play here... fear of flash flooding? or walls too steep?

not sure why kids can’t play here… fear of flash flooding? or walls too steep?

do you see the cow?

do you see the cow?

there it is!

there it is!

front yard decor

front yard decor

Confucian musician?

Confucian musician?

spinning rainbows

spinning rainbows

rainbow at the end of my walk

rainbow at the end of my walk

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