December 21 — Renaissance

North of highway 119 (diagonal) / Oxford Road, west of Airport Road , south of Clover Basin Drive, east of Mt. Audubon St. / 79th Street extended north.

Total for today :   36,520 steps   and  6:10 time. 

There’s a new neighborhood going in south of Clover Basin and just west of the Renaissance neighborhood, so I walked those few streets today as well.  They don’t even show up on Google maps yet, but they have street signs up… so for the record, the new street names are Mt. Audubon Drive, Village Green Lane, Retreat Circle, and Hideaway Court.   I assume there will be more new street names there as it is filled in… it’s still a work in progress.  Meadow Mountain Villas was being worked on as I walked it today.

I’ll have to check, but I believe today was my longest walk of the entire year… which is a bit ironic since it’s the winter solstice today, so the shortest day of the year!   Definitely the longest time gone, since it involved almost an hour and a half of bike riding to get there and back.   It was about 20 degrees when I left home at 7:40, and about 34 when I got home.  I still just wore walking shorts, so was bare-legged, but had a sweatshirt with hood and gloves, so was reasonably warm.  Like I’ve said before, I’m more a cold-weather person than warm-weather.

Had one of the high points of my entire year today… I saw a bald eagle a tree perched about 40 feet above me.   I’ve seen bald eagles from a distance before, but never this close.  It was still there about a hour later, so this may be a regular roost for it, looking for near-by prairie dogs or something.  It was right at the entrance to the short Buckham Way… I assume the residents there know if it’s a regular visitor.

Bald eagle

Bald eagle


giving me the Evil Eye

giving me the Evil Eye



Meadow Mountain Villas

Meadow Mountain Villas


building in progress

building in progress




heavy equipment

heavy equipment

Mt. Audubon divides two new areas

Mt. Audubon divides two new areas


Village Green

Village Green

Just a little digression on two of the street names above.  The Kinks put out an album in the 1960’s called ‘The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society’.

Village Green album wiki

Mt. Audubon is a fairly easy 13-er in the Indian Peaks wilderness… nothing spectacular, but a nice nearby afternoon hike.

Mt. Audubon wiki


Although this is outside the city limits, it seemed appropriate for me to walk south on 79th street to Oxford Road, over to the diagonal, and then back up on Airport Road.  There are some mansion-type houses out in this area!

tree on a frosty day

tree on a frosty day


Giant Santa

Giant Santa

more frosty trees

more frosty trees

horse at Ballard Farm

horse at Ballard Farm


Dog Security

Dog Security


Left Hand Valley

Left Hand Valley


old combine?

old combine?


big house

big house


lots of geese

lots of geese



Left Hand Creek

Left Hand Creek


Wood products on the diagonal

Wood products on the diagonal


Mailbox of the DayMailbox of the Day


I didn't walk this, because I think it's private property, not a street...

I didn’t walk this, because I think it’s private property, not a street…


This made me think of my brother, Timothy Wayne

This made me think of my brother, Timothy Wayne


not sure what this sign out in the middle of nowhere even means...

not sure what this sign out in the middle of nowhere even means…



Back into town now… first the southern area, south of Pike Road…


Somerset Meadows

Somerset Meadows


nice house

nice house


where's the rest of the Nativity?

where’s the rest of the Nativity?





another mansion

another mansion


and another

and another


house off all by itself

house off all by itself


Summerlin Lane

Summerlin Lane


I walked clear to the end of Summerlin Lane, even though houses aren't there yet

I walked clear to the end of Summerlin Lane, even though houses aren’t there yet


christmas decorations (right near the bald eagle)

christmas decorations (right near the bald eagle)


one of many hang gliders

one of many hang gliders


Coralbells is one of my favorite street names

Coralbells is one of my favorite street names


Portal of the Day

Portal of the Day


very impressive artwork on this sign

very impressive artwork on this sign


closer-up view of sign... almost looks 3-dimensional

closer-up view of sign… almost looks 3-dimensional





watch that sneaky duck behind you...

watch that sneaky duck behind you…


2 deer

2 deer

Bremen Town Musicians?

Bremen Town Musicians?


nice stonework

nice stonework


new Catholic Church

new Catholic Church



This area is mostly Italian-themed street names…  Venice, Da Vinci, Milano, Lucca, Portofino, Bella Vista, San Marco, Calabria, Palermo, Arezzo, Ravenna, Sicily, Lombardy, Tuscany, and Roma.  I think that’s all…  I may have missed one or two.


Renaissance housing

Renaissance housing


cute Christmas decoration

cute Christmas decoration


along Venice Lane

along Venice Lane


outdoor Christmas tree

outdoor Christmas tree





frozen fountain

frozen fountain


sunken trampoline # 1

sunken trampoline # 1


sunken trampoline # 2

sunken trampoline # 2


Longmont Streetwalker

Longmont Streetwalker


I haven't actually been canonized yet, but the street name is there already!!?!

I haven’t actually been canonized yet, but the street name is there already!!?!


Renaissance playground

Renaissance playground


I like the 3rd story room some of these houses have

I like the 3rd story room some of these houses have


I Brake for Prairie Dogs

I Brake for Prairie Dogs


Griffin & Hula Dancer on dashboard

Griffin & Hula Dancer on dashboard


Counterpart to the Iron Man triathlons?

Counterpart to the Iron Man triathlons?


Angry Bird, Snoopy, & Santa

Angry Bird, Snoopy, & Santa


Good News at Christmas

Good News at Christmas


NORAD license plate

NORAD license plate


floral stained glass above window

floral stained glass above window


a multitude of statues...

a multitude of statues…


... and a few more

… and a few more


multi-colored flags

multi-colored flags


If I went to the Cat House, I'd end up in the Dog House.

If I went to the Cat House, I’d end up in the Dog House.


first car in the driveway...

first car in the driveway…


second car in the driveway!

second car in the driveway!


Kingsbridge apartments

Kingsbridge apartments


keeping an eye on me...

keeping an eye on me…


Finally back to my bike after a long day...

Finally back to my bike after a long day…





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