Digression — Bolder Boulder (Memorial Day — 5/27)

Not going to write much here, but will just throw in some pictures from the Bolder Boulder.  My son Nick and I did it…. I walked, he ran.  He did about 58 minutes… not bad for not training for it.   I walked it in 1:45:36,  roughly 17 minute miles.  I didn’t really stop to take the pictures, so they may be a little fuzzy at times.

It’s a fun race for people of all levels, with lots of entertainment to watch along the way…. both from people on the sidelines and from participants in the race.  There were about 55,000 participants this year.

Son Nick ready to go

Son Nick ready to go

Milling around waiting for our wave to start

Milling around waiting for our wave to start


starting line

starting line

Official starter

Official starter

and we're off...

and we’re off…


The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers

 Blues Brothers Everybody Needs Somebody youtube


Banana boy entertained us along the way

Banana boy entertained us along the way


end of mile one

end of mile one


one of many bands playing along the way

one of many bands playing along the way


cooling off with the hose

cooling off with the hose


entertaing spectators

entertaing spectators


the first water stop

the first water stop


Belly dancers

Belly dancers


an obscured Elvis

an obscured Elvis


an obscured Elvis # 2

an obscured Elvis # 2


Irish step dancers

Irish step dancers


more dancers

more dancers


5 kilometers --- halfway done

5 kilometers — halfway done


Wires Crossed --- sounded really good!

Wires Crossed — sounded really good!


Wires Crossed Good Girl  youtube

Nick agreed that it sounds like this young band has potential.  He probably passed by them about 2 hours before I did.  It must take a lot of stamina for all the bands out there playing!

It's all downhill from here (I wish)

It’s all downhill from here (I wish)


Weird Al is coming to town

Weird Al is coming to town


mysterious masked man

mysterious masked man


mysterious masked man # 2

mysterious masked man # 2







walking for a cause

walking for a cause


bagpipes and drums

bagpipes and drums


Frank Shorter

Frank Shorter

 Frank Shorter  wiki

As far as I know, he still lives in Boulder.


almost there

almost there


entering the stadium

entering the stadium


spectators and earlier finishers

spectators and earlier finishers


and the crowd cheers for The Longmont Streetwalker

and the crowd cheers for The Longmont Streetwalker…


... or so I imagined!!

… or so I imagined!!




2 thoughts on “Digression — Bolder Boulder (Memorial Day — 5/27)

  1. This was my first “real” look at the Bolder Boulder and I had no idea they had such entertaining side shows and characters! (Whimsy is good!) Thanks for taking the time to post all the photos!

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