Digression – Sunrise Stampede (June 8)

Jennifer and I did the two-mile walk portion of the Sunrise Stampede on Saturday.  There is also a 10 kilometer (6.2 mile) division, and they both start and finish at Longmont High School.  This is a fun event that has been around since 1986 (I think).  Although it is a very low-key event, it has drawn a number of world-class runners over the years.

Given below are a few photos taken during the race.

I’m proud to say that Jennifer and I both finished in the top 99% of all participants!!!   (lol)

Mr. & Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker

Mr. & Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker



The Beckwith's before the race

The Beckwith’s before the race



Zach has a fast finish!

Zach has a fast finish!

before the gun goes off

before the gun goes off

Drummers entertain the runner/walkers

Drummers entertain the runner/walkers


SunriseStampede 013

Garage sale along the way; was very tempting to Jennifer


after the race

after the race

Race official ( secret identity is Fruma Sarah at the Jester's 'Fiddler on the Roof')

Race official ( secret identity is Fruma-Sarah at the Jester’s ‘Fiddler on the Roof’)


who is that mysterious masked runner?

who is that mysterious masked runner?


Old fire truck participated in the festivities

Old fire truck participated in the festivities




One thought on “Digression – Sunrise Stampede (June 8)

  1. I am soooo very glad I read the article in today’s Sunday’s paper (June 30, 2013). I started to read backwards on your blog and found it so very interesting, that I’ve decided to start from the beginning. I can’t believe how many truely landmarks of Longmont, I DID NOT recognize! I’ve lived here 37 years from Massachusetts and feel like I DON’T know the City at all, now! Lost 10 pounds!!!! How fantastic! Keep up this great work and keep posting your new physique, so we can see the difference. It’s wonderful your family joins you…sometimes. See ya in The Farm at Creekside, but only IF you do an afternoon or evening walk. You get up too early for me!!!

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