July 20 — Creekside west

North of Plateau, west of Sunset, south of Pike , east of Hover

Total for today: 18,270 steps and 3:01 time.

No new state license plates (I only need Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Hawaii still), but would like to get a Washington D.C.  There were a bunch of federal license plate in the business park area, perhaps due to the Federal Aviation Administration office there, so  I’ll  put that one in under Washington D.C. for now.

First, a few photos of the businesses on Corporate Center Circle…

Mentor  Graphics

Mentor Graphics


STMicroelectronics (never quite sure how to pronounce this...)

STMicroelectronics (never quite sure how to pronounce this…)






LSI (I think this means Large Scale Integration (electronic circuits).  Also, VLSI. very large scale

LSI (I think this means Large Scale Integration (electronic circuits). Also, VLSI. very large scale

SKIN NO CUT (I'm sure this means something to the road construction workers)

SKIN NO CUT (I’m sure this means something to the road construction workers)


I’m gaining a lot more appreciation for pretty flowers as my year of walking progresses.  There are a lot more purple flowers than I was aware of, as well.

Creekside 029



Creekside 028Creekside 027Creekside 044Creekside 034Creekside 023


Two places to visit before I die…. Mitchell’s Corn Palace in South Dakota, and San Antonio’s River Walk

Mitchell Corn Palace web site

Mitchell Corn Palace wiki

San Antonio River Walk youtube

San Antonio River Walk wiki

side of U-Haul vacation destination suggestion

side of U-Haul vacation destination suggestion

another River Walk... (Left Hand Creek)

another River Walk… (Left Hand Creek)


I’m sure it was just a coincidence, but on Mallard Circle there was a Mallard RV…

Intersection of Mallard and Mallard

Intersection of Mallard and Mallard


Mallard RV

Mallard RV


Venus flytrap sculpture (or Venus sparkplugtrap…. not sure….)

Venus flytrap wiki

Venus fly(sparkplug?)trap

Venus fly(sparkplug?)trap


I was not aware of this  Ollin Farms offering, but I think I  may sign up to take my family out to dinner in August (right before Jenni & I have our 37 wedding anniversary…)

Ollin Farms web site

Creekside 007

Free Range children

Free Range children


I’m not quite sure what this front porch sculpture is depicting… I see a couple of bears in there.   But it reminds me of the  somewhat controversial sculpture from the Al Pacino/Keanu Reeves movie…  The Devil’s Advocate….

Devil’s Advocate sculpture controversey

Creekside 037


and here’s the rest of the photos from today’s walk….

Grumpy cherub

Grumpy cherub


Grumpy demon

Grumpy demon


Happy Dwarf (is that still politically correct??)

Happy Dwarf (is that still politically correct??)


Wagon south of Plateau

Wagon south of Plateau


4 hot air balooons over Boulder

4 hot air balooons over Boulder


The Farm at Creekside

The Farm at Creekside


Dragons swallowing dragon tails?

Dragons swallowing dragon tails?


Dog Electrical box art # 1\

Dog Electrical box art # 1\


Dog electrical box art # 2

Dog electrical box art # 2


Left Hand Creek

Left Hand Creek


along Left Hand Creek

along Left Hand Creek


Portal of the Day

Portal of the Day


Edible or not... you decide

Edible or not… you decide


Inside  garage...  owner said it was from Wild Oats?

Inside garage… owner said it was from Wild Oats?


Bicycle art

Bicycle art


or vomiting, please

or vomiting, please


nice garage sale sign

nice garage sale sign


seating  in the park

seating in the park


US West sidewalk depression

US West sidewalk depression











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