March 22 — East Ute Creek Golf Course

North of 17th Street, west of County Line Road, South of Highway 66 (Ute Highway), east of Pace

(plus Rock Lane and Linda Vista Drive north of 66)

Another large area covered today, approximately one square mile.  Much of this was either golf course or farm land, so still a manageable expanse.  It was fairly windy from the east today, so a bit of wind chill.  I did manage to finish just about an hour before the snow started to come in, fortunately.

This is the north-east corner limit of what I’m planning on walking this year  ( though I will probably walk a few neighborhoods east of County Line Road along highway 119)

Today’s walk was made up of about five or six ‘neighborhoods’ that surround (or, in one case, are surrounded by) Ute Creek golf course.  These are all fairly new houses/duplexes/apartments, and also a few very swanky ones!  But as is often the case in such newer neighborhoods… they’re just a little bit boring, as they haven’t had time to build up a lot of ‘character’ and individuality yet.

A selection of the different neighborhoods….

UteCreekEast 011



They have some noteworthy logos here.  Below is a creature that looks like a cross between a turtle and a salamander.  It also has a wavy water design on it’s back.

UteCreekEast 004UteCreekEast 001UteCreekEast 079


While the Sundance logo shows a sun coming up over the water, with some cattails growing out of the water.  But I’m pretty sure they were trying to give a snail impression as well — the water is the snails foot and/or trail, and the cattails are the antenna (or tentacles?).  At least that’s sure what it looks like to me!!

UteCreekEast 023UteCreekEast 088

I also made a quick trip through Jim Hamm Nature Area.  I had read they were dredging out the bottom of it, which I believe they said they do every ten years or so.  The lack of precipitation we’ve had in the last year probably helped in draining it.  There were mounds of dirt/mud from the bottom along the east side, but there was no work going on at the time.

The park is dedicated to a local boy that died in the Vietnam War.  The flags there were at half-mast, as was another flag I saw on my walk today.   I’m not sure, but I’m guessing it might be due to the murder Tom Clements, the executive director of the Department of Corrections, that was shot on his doorstep a day or two ago.  It appears the caught the man shot shot him (and a pizza delivery man) in Texas, later in the day.

As you can tell by the flags, the wind was blowing pretty hard from the east.

UteCreekEast 026UteCreekEast 030UteCreekEast 029UteCreekEast 033


The University of Colorado and Colorado State University both made it into the NCAA basketball tournament this year… kind of unusual.  And CSU won it’s first game last night, again Missouri.  So I thought I would throw in the picture below, in honor of that.  And CU plays Illinois later in the day.

As I was walking, I was thinking the Las Vegas odds again CU and CSU playing for the championship would probably be something like a million to one.   The next two games bore that out… CU lost later that afternoon, and a day or two later CSU lost to Louisville.   Oh, well… there’s always next year.

UteCreekEast 002

The next two steps in my apparently endless fascination with dog poop signs.  The first one seems like a very friendly way to ask you to keep tabs on your dog.  I like the ‘Doo’ in the second sign.


UteCreekEast 003UteCreekEast 040

The street names in the neighborhood in the north-east corner of my walk today had an aquatic tinge to it   — although I didn’t see a lot of tie-in geographically.

Tyrrhenian Drive — for the sea west of Italy

Aegean Way — sea east of Greece

Tonkin Place — Gulf of Tonkin east of Hanoi, Vietnam

Galilee Lane — Sea of Galilee in Israel

Aral Drive and Aral Ct. — for the rapidly-shrinking Aral sea between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, which is only about 10% the size it was 50 years ago…

Aral Sea wikipedia

and finally, Galapagos Place, apparently named after the island that belongs to Ecuador, not a body of water.

Galapagos Islands wikipedia

To the east of this ‘water’ neighborhood is a proposed neighborhood that a lot of truck apparently hauling top-soil in to it today.  Google maps shows the planned street names for it (photo shown below).  I didn’t walk it today because it’s not streets yet..  but if it’s done by the end of the year, I’LL BE BACK  (as Arnold would say).

The proposed street names there are Provenance Drive/Circle, Ravenswood Circle, Montelena Street, Lakoya Street, Spotswoode Street, Quintessa Drive, and Beaulieu Place.

UteCreekEast 047

Two different electrical box warnings….  the first one, I think one might survive.    The second one,  I think you’re a pile of smoldering ashes.

An unpleasant shock

An unpleasant shock

10,000  mega-volts

10,000 mega-volts

There’s a Wasach Drive here…   is there a chance this was a mis-spelling of Wasatch, the mountain range in Utah?   When I google ‘wasach’, it has 569,000 hits, the first bunch of which refer to the Longmont street.  And Google really tries to direct me to Wasatch instead.  “Wasatch’  has 9,300,000 hits.

Wasach and Twilight

Wasach and Twilight


Google maps shows a ‘Bond Road’ going up north of highway 66 from Sundance.  But it looks like it’s just a field to me… so I didn’t walk it.  Is this another case of ‘fake streets’ on a map… (see March 5 Kensington neighborhood post).

Bond Road??!?

Bond Road??!?

In my last post (March 19 Mill Village), I commented on how I saw manhole covers from both India and East Jordan.  This neighborhood also had manhole covers from each of those.

India manhole cover

India manhole cover


East Jordan manhole cover

East Jordan manhole cover

I think this used to be a Playboy insignia, but it’s been mangled a little bit.  Maybe on purpose, because it looks like a rugged he-man sort of profile.  (Kind of like the actor Bruce Campbell, from the original Evil Dead movies).  With a connection to director Sam Raimi, he’s also cameoed in Spiderman movies — and in the recent “Oz the Great and Powerful” movie as the Winkie Gatekeeper.  I like the title of a autobiography he wrote a few years back… “If Chins Could Kill”.  I guess he grabbed the title before Jay Leno did.  It was sub-titled “Confessions of a B Movie Actor”.


Bruce Campbell wikipedia


Please notice the nice artistic touch I have where it appears the head is mounted in place of my head in the reflection in the window.

Longmont Streetwalker Bunny

Longmont Streetwalker Bunny

I don’t know about the rest of Longmont, but I think Prestwick Court is pretty safe from the Zombie Apocalypse.

UteCreekEast 082

UteCreekEast 083

Total for today:  30,160 steps, 5:28 time

two new license plates — Montana and Ohio

A very short fence between neighbors

A very short fence between neighbors

Cool Mailbox (but NOT Mailbox of the Day)

Mailbox of the Day

Mailbox of the Day (chain pole and John Deere)

Birdhouse of the Day (chain pole and John Deere)


Mother Mary

Mother Mary


Not a threat or anything... just letting you know!!!

Not a threat or anything… just letting you know!!!

Ute Creek Golf Course vistaUte Creek Golf Course vista


American Sidewalk Idol

American Sidewalk Idol


Don't ask me why I took this picture... I just like it

Don’t ask me why I took this picture… I just like it


Portal of the Day

Portal of the Day

Across the road in Weld County

Across the road in Weld County

Cool Turret

Cool Turret

Old farm machinery (a disc?)

Old farm machinery (a disc?)

Rocket ship silo

Rocket ship silo

Not sure what this flag is supposed to be

Not sure what this flag is supposed to be

Edward Scissorhands lives here

Edward Scissorhands lives here

Two of this identical statue were in this neighborhood

Two of this identical statue were in this neighborhood

Alligator guard --- an easy house number to remember

Alligator guard — an easy house number to remember

Vegetation of the day

Vegetation of the day

All the animals out for a hay wagon ride

All the animals out for a hay wagon ride

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An old planter?

An old planter?

picturesque rustic fence

picturesque rustic fence

No one cares about Ariel and Flounder any more

No one cares about Ariel and Flounder any more

Ute highway house

Ute highway house

Bubble Rock House

Bubble Rock House

Goddard School

Goddard School

Giant cranes (I'm zoomed in as far as I can go)

Giant cranes (I’m zoomed in as far as I can go)




2 thoughts on “March 22 — East Ute Creek Golf Course

  1. At first I thought it was just a coincidence about looking like a snail but now I think you’re right. Nice post!

  2. Mark – Re: your March 19 Mill Village post – you may not realize it but this is a particulary ominous post, not only the 5-19-13 date you refer to, but the mysterious black swans (yes they are rare, and for a long time were not thought to exist). Since you didn’t point it out, I’m guessing you aren’t familiar with “black swan events”, a term frequently used for financial/investment events, but can also apply to other circumstances. 9/11 is frequently referred to as a black swan event.

    Here is a link to the wikipedia posting on this, I think you will find it interesting –

    I have started reading the book a few times, but always get distracted, although I still hope to make it through at some point. Anyway, I think you should be watching out for this 5-19-13 date (although, as you will see by the Wikipedia posting, that may ruin it due to the “unanticipated” qualification for a true black swan event.

    Better get back to work, enjoy your postings – Rhonda

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