May 25 — Bohn Farm, Roger’s Grove, Industrial

North of Boston, west of Gay, south of 3rd, east of Hover

Total for today 25,400 steps and 4:47 time.  My derailleur broke on my bike just as I arrived at my starting point today, so, for the first time, Jenni came and gave me a ride home from my walk.

Two new state license plates today: New Jersey and West Virginia

Today’s walk had many areas I was not familiar with, so ran into quite a few pleasant surprises.  The northeastern part is called the Bohn Farm Neighborhood, and there are parts that look like remnants of an old farm.  There is some nice sidewalk art in several areas… it looks like maybe they gave neighborhood children an opportunity to express themselves…

BohnFarm 003BohnFarm 012BohnFarm 011BohnFarm 035

Fish on a bike

Fish on a bike

Elvis was here

Elvis was here


Old loading  chute for cattle or horses?

Old loading chute for cattle or horses?

Was wondering if this might be the Bohn farm house?

Was wondering if this might be the Bohn farm house?

was this a barn at one time?

was this a barn at one time?


Some nice houses and some industrial areas….

I like turret rooms

I like turret rooms


neighborhood restaurant

neighborhood restaurant


Gravel operation, perhaps?

Gravel operation, perhaps?


Framed by trees

Framed by trees


Old buildings

Old buildings


... and from another angle

… and from another angle


along the St. Vrain river

along the St. Vrain river

Left Hand brewery

Left Hand brewery


I guess CO2 can be liquid if under a lot of pressure?

I guess CO2 can be liquid if under a lot of pressure?


Left Hand vat

Left Hand vat


The loading dock

The loading dock


scary goose on Left Hand roof

scary goose on Left Hand roof


This is where our dental office gets oxygen and nitrous

This is where our dental office gets oxygen and nitrous





Ace Ventura hair style

Golden cherub with Ace Ventura hair style

Golden cherub with Ace Ventura hair style




Birdhouse of the day (maybe of the year!)

Birdhouse of the day (maybe of the year!)

yard art

yard art

pile of logs

pile of logs

mama and baby

mama and baby

Presumably not the same person?

Presumably not the same person?

I did not know that Francis St. is unpaved on it's south end

I did not know that Francis St. is unpaved on it’s south end

Zion, Mt. Rainier, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Death Valley, Crater Lake, Glacier, RMNP, Lassen Volcano

Zion, Mt. Rainier, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Death Valley, Crater Lake, Glacier, RMNP, Lassen Volcano


Old Chevrolet

Old Chevrolet


What kind of flowers are these?   Look like purple fireworks going off!

What kind of flowers are these? Look like purple fireworks going off!


Path to nowhere

Path to nowhere


Wasteland Hop (my son's band) will play in Homer (again) this month

Wasteland Hop (my son’s band) will play in Homer (again) this month

Wasteland Hop summer tour schedule  (Homer, Alaska June 21st and 22nd)



Mailbox of the day

Mailbox of the day front


In front of Nixcavating

In front of Nixcavating


Airborne gynastics and dance

Airborne gynastics and dance


where I get all my Shadow Ops supplies!

where I get all my Shadow Ops supplies!


Goose along Hover

Goose along Hover


The Mighty St. Vrain

The Mighty St. Vrain


Bridge art at Roger's Grove

Bridge art at Roger’s Grove


Bathroom art at Roger's Grove

Bathroom art at Roger’s Grove


More geese

More geese


which way to go...

which way to go…


identifying flora

identifying flora


Stone artwork / science demo at Roger's Grove

Stone artwork / science demo at Roger’s Grove


formula for an ellipse (if I remember my math).  I expected a parabola

formula for an ellipse (if I remember my math). I expected a parabola


Beetle antenna sculpture

Beetle antenna sculpture


UPDATE — I’m adding two pictures of the electrical box on the east side of Hover just south of 3rd, that I took on 9/29/13.   I’m pretty sure this is newly painted since the time that I walked this area.

Electrical box 1

Electrical box 1


Electrical box 2

Electrical box 2


2 thoughts on “May 25 — Bohn Farm, Roger’s Grove, Industrial

  1. Mark – the purple fireworks flower is allium, another one of my favorite spring/early summer flowers. I think it is a member of the onion family – your favorite sis, RMc

  2. What an eclectic territory you covered this day!That “scary” goose at Left Hand Brewery is one of my favorite geese from the Geese Galore art project several years ago because of it’s creative name: Robogoosinator (probably didn’t spell it right). Think “Arnold” and “movies” and you’ll see what I mean.

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