May Progress Report

My totals for the month:  157,380 steps  in 28 hours and 34 minutes.  

Total for the year is 620,400 steps, and time of 114 hours and 14 minutes.

I feel like I had a pretty good May, so I made up for a little lost ground.  Over half-a-million steps so far.  Looks like I’m about on schedule.  My main concern is I haven’t yet made it to the southwest corner of town.

Finished two more books recently.  I re-read Dante’s Divine Comedy, which I read once back in high school (mostly for the Dore pictures).  Then I read the new Dan Brown book Inferno.   I thought it was pretty good, much better than his last book, the Lost Symbol.  Maybe I just like the European settings more, where he spends a lot of the book telling about artwork and museum lay-outs.

Map as of end of May (northern part)

Map as of end of May (northern part)

Map as of end of May

Map as of end of May

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