September 20 — Ute Creek West

North of 17th, west of Pace, south of power lines (21st extended east), east of Alpine.

Total for today :   17,660 steps and  3:06 time. 

This neighborhood has the western part of Ute Creek Golf Course winding through it.  It was looking pretty green from the recent rains, and is well clear of any flooding areas.


UteCreekWest 037UteCreekWest 002UteCreekWest 036UteCreekWest 038UteCreekWest 039UteCreekWest 040

It’s still over a month before Halloween, but the decorations are starting to appear…


Lady scarecrow # 1

Lady scarecrow # 1


Lady scarecrow # 2

Lady scarecrow # 2

singing ghosts (with birdhouse hats?)

singing ghosts (with birdhouse hats?)

jack o'lantern

jack o’lantern

black and non-black cat

black and non-black cat

the cats were nowhere near the scene of the crime

the cats were nowhere near the scene of the crime

discarded autumn / halloween candy corn

discarded autumn / halloween candy corn


I think Calaveras County (in California) is best knows for the Mark Twain short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.    I didn’t know this before, but the wiki article on Calaveras County linked to below says that ‘calaveras’ is the Spanish word for ‘skulls’; so I guess it also fits in with the Halloween pictures above!

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County  wiki

Calaveras County, California wiki

Calaveras Ct.  (Court, not County)

Calaveras Ct. (Court, not County)


The Roadrunner cartoons were always fun, if a little repetitious.  I believe the following cartoon where Wile E. Coyote catches the Roadrunner may be a bit edited.

Roadrunner cartoon youtube

Roadrunner (the New Mexico state bird) wiki

Roadrunner Family Guy Wile E. Coyote catches him  (warning… PG rated)  youtube

Road Runner

Road Runner



Apparently a wildlife (and especially koala bear) sanctuary in Australia

Lone Pine Sanctuary wiki

UteCreekWest 033



UteCreekWest 001

Wolfenberger + fishing poles garage sale

Wolfsberger + fishing poles garage sale


UteCreekWest 006

Colorful frog

Colorful frog



I thought this was serious at first ... goat cheese!

I thought this was serious at first … goat cheese!


I like the Angel Eyes

I like the Angel Eyes


clean up after your dog

clean up after your dog


UteCreekWest 024UteCreekWest 025UteCreekWest 026

school bus mirrros

school bus mirrros


Sun and Moon kissing

Sun and Moon kissing


dog warning

dog warning





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