
I don’t know as if I have a clear answer to that. When George Mallory, the famed
English mountaineer, was asked “Why do you want to climb Mount Everest?”, he supposedly
replied “Because it’s there”. Although my quest is nowhere in the ballpark with
climbing Mt. Everest, the reasoning may still apply.

When driving around Longmont with my wife Jennifer, I sometimes remark to her that
I’ve don’t believe I’ve ever been down a particular street before, even though it’s
only a mile or two from where I’ve lived for the last 30 years. (On the contrary, Jennifer,
due to her avid garage sale shopping, seems to have been almost everywhere in Longmont.

I also tend to be rather focused on the road when I’m driving (which I can’t say for all people!?!).
So even though I’ve driving a street many times, there are still things that I will
notice walking that I have never noticed driving.

A nice side benefit of the walking will be to lose some weight and get some exercise.

Sometime in the future, I might decide to drive the length of every road in Boulder County.
As a teenager I used to have a summer job in noxious weed control, part of which entailed driving
every road in Kearney County, Nebraska. I think most people would consider Boulder
County to be a little more scenic. Also, when Jennifer and I retire, I have a fantasy
that we might drive through every state in the United States, and also see every
National Park. Maybe walking Longmont is a preliminary step to that.

If you’re interested in my blog, you might also want to check out Matt Green’s goal,
which makes mine look pretty pathetic. A few years ago, he walked across the United States,
from New York to Oregon. And now, he is walking EVERY STREET OF EVERY BOROUGH IN NEW YORK
CITY!!! This is pretty much a full-time job for him, and he hopes to complete in two years.
He takes some nice photographs with some amusing captions, and is worth a look!!

2 thoughts on “Why?

  1. Mark, you are an inspiration to all, pretty cool blog you have going as well. Fun to look and see what you are walking, you are a good writer but I suppose that comes from being a good reader. I hope you walk every street in Longmont, seems like a big undertaking….now get out there and walk it up….

    • Steve… It is a big undertaking, but I have all year to do it. But I’m guessing you could probably hop on your bike
      and zip through the whole thing in one weekend!!

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