April 12 — East of Deerwood; Golden Bear/Shadow Grass/ etc.

North of Mountain View, west of County Line Road, south of 17th, east of (curvy) Deerwood

I also walked the mile of County Line Road between 17th and highway 66… which is outside my main walk  today.   But I didn’t have  any areas yet to walk that would take me there, so I decided to get it out of the way today so I wouldn’t have to go back later.

I’ll go ahead and put the 3 pictures from that ‘northeast’ part of the walk here, to separate them out…

I should have taken a photo of the door at Knute’s with the store hours posted…  I thought it was pretty cute:



Open by appointment or by chance

Open by appointment or by chance

Texaco at the Docheff farm
Texaco at the Docheff farm

Plowing with the mountains looming in the distance
Plowing with the mountains looming in the distance




I had never been in Stephen Day Park before, and it was a very pleasant surprise.    I saw the name Stephen Day on the Vietnam plaque at Jim Hamm Park when I walked there a few weeks ago, so I figured it was kind of a ‘twin’ park to it.  The following set of pictures are all from there.  There”s both dirt and concrete areas for BMX type biking, a nice playground, and, I was told, in the summer there’s a water fountain area where kids can play in water that shoots out of the concrete intermittently.  There are also several (not sure how many) art pieces, which have a topological feature on a display platform, and right by it is an arrow in the sidewalk pointing to it, and saying how far away it is.  At least that’s what it looks like to me…  someone can correct me if they know otherwise.

EastofDeeewood 017EastofDeeewood 013EastofDeeewood 021

EastofDeeewood 014EastofDeeewood 022

EastofDeeewood 029EastofDeeewood 028


There was also a nice concrete area with a map  of the world,  with significant names and dates at various places on the map.  In chronological order, here are the significant events chosen:

Marco Polo 1275-1292  (travels to China, etc.)

Columbus 1492  (discovered the Americas)

Vespuchi 1499 (traveled to Brazil, etc…. and noted that the Americas were NOT part of Asia)

Magellan 1519-1522 (credited with first circumnavigation of  the globe earth… although Magellan himself was killed along the way in the Philippines in 1521)

Orellano  1541  (first known navigation of the length of the Amazon)  (I had not heard of him before….

Francisco de Orellano wiki

Lewis and Clark  1804-1806  (charted the northwestern U.S. territories)

Stanley, Livingston  1871   (Livingstone explored Africa; Stanley was sent to look for him)

Peary  1909  (credited with being first person to the North Pole… although disputed if he quite made it there… and also his fellow trek-mate Matthew Henson may actually have been the first there)

Amundson 1911  (first to the South Pole)

Hillary, Norgay  1953 (New Zealander Edmund Hillary, sherpa Tenzing Norgay … first to climb Mt. Everest successfully… George Mallory may have made it to the top first, but died on the way down)

and lastly, a YOU ARE HERE (undated), roughly in Colorado

An interesting list… maybe a bit Euro-centric, but that’s understandable.  The spellings above are the ones given on the plaques, though I have normally seen Amerigo Vespucci, Livingstone with an ‘e’ on the end, and Amundsen with an ‘e’.

EastofDeeewood 031EastofDeeewood 033


and here are my remaining Stephen Day Park photos….


biking hills

biking hills …


... with fair warning

… with fair warning


volunteer handprints

volunteer handprints


colorful chessboard

colorful chessboard


Curvy sidewalks

Curvy sidewalks


There is a street in the new Shadow Grass subdivision named Otis Drive.  Otis happens to be the name of my daughter’s little papillon dog… so here’s a tribute to Otis.

Papillon (French for butterfly.. because of the ears) wiki


Otis with butterfly ears

Otis with butterfly ears

Moonlight and Otis

Moonlight and Otis


And as long as I have Moonlight Drive up there, I’ll end with a salute to the Doors…

Moonlight Drive youtube


Total for today:  25,250  steps, 4:27 time

One new license plate:  Idaho



named after Jack Nicklaus ??!?


not sure if there is a plant called 'Shadow Grass'

not sure if there is a plant called ‘Shadow Grass’


tall doors... even taller archways

tall doors… even taller archways


gas prices at Safeway

gas prices at Safeway


lost shoe

lost shoe


another animal crossing

another animal crossing


keeping up my dog sign tradition

keeping up my dog sign tradition


an amazingly tapered back yard fence

an amazingly tapered back yard fence


what's happening at Fall River Elementary

what’s happening at Fall River Elementary


roadside memorial # 1

roadside memorial # 1


roadside memorial # 2

roadside memorial # 2


a really LARGE tire

a really LARGE tire


this snake didn't make it through the winter

this snake didn’t make it through the winter


sadly, neither did this robin

sadly, neither did this robin


but this colt is doing fine

but this colt is doing fine


Cool tree stump

Cool tree stump


2 thoughts on “April 12 — East of Deerwood; Golden Bear/Shadow Grass/ etc.

  1. This was a fun one Mark. You were in our neighborhood park which we love and you took some pictures on our exact street. Our front door is tall and purple with a giant archway (which of course is impossible to keep clean of cobwebs and bugs). Best of all you got a close up of the little orange shoe I have been seeing on my drive home for a couple of weeks now. Too funny. I keep wondering why it’s rightful owner hasn’t noticed it, but I guess he must not actually live in our neighborhood.

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