June 25 — Roosevelt Park

North of 3rd between Grant and Gay,  north of 6th between Gay and Main, west of Main, south of 9th Ave., east of Grant

Total for today: 26,700 steps and 4:37 time.

Today is my last day walking before the half-way point of the year.  I feel like I’m pretty much on schedule for completing my walk by the end of the year.  Check out the June Progress Report blog for my totals so far and map of my progress.

Not altogether coincidentally, I am also going to be featured in the Times-Call newspaper on Sunday, 6/30/13.  Photographer Lewis Geyer met me to take pictures during my walk at about 6:45 am, and then reporter Whitney Bryen met Jennifer and I at our dental  office a little after 8 am to interview us, and also walk with us for about 45 minutes.

Somewhat appropriately, I just finished reading a book I had recommended to me… A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins.  Peter walked from New England down to New Orleans during mid-1970’s, and then later continued on to the West Coast.  It was a pretty good book, with interesting things he did and saw on his stops along the way.  He is a little prone to hyperbole in his writing style, however.  A follow-up book, A Walk West, is written along with his new bride that joined him in the New Orleans to the West Coast part of his journey.


Peter Jenkins wiki

Matt Green also walked all the way across the United States a few years, and now he is walking every street of every borough of New York City.  He expects it will take him about two years to do it.  His blog has some very nice pictures taken during his walk, which you might enjoy if you want to see more of NYC.  And I like his sense of humor  on his captions

Matt Green walking NYC

And one more blog I find to be really fascinating is AmusingPlanet.com.    It has amazing pictures from all over the world.


But enough of all this… time to go to today’s walk.  I picked this area today because my wife’s dental office is located there, so it made it a convenient place to meet up with the Times-Call people.  So here’s a shameless plug for our dental office…

Scheidies Dental Office

Scheidies Dental Office


Now I kind of got carried away with photos today, so don’t feel bad if you don’t have the endurance to look at all of them.  Usually I only put in about half this many.  But I find the older areas of town tend to have more things that I find noteworthy to photograph.

There were several tile/mosaic pieces of artwork in the alleys here, which I have not seen  in any of part of town I’ve covered so far…







facing the alley

facing the alley





I also really like this front yard artwork…

Front yard art

Front yard art


There were several houses that had the old sunken driveways going down into garages.  I have also not seen this in any area of town that I’ve covered so far.  It don’t know if anybody actually parks cars in any of these, but it seems like it would be really hard to get out of after an snowstorm or ice storm.

sunken driveway # 1

sunken driveway # 1


sunken driveway # 2

sunken driveway # 2


Roosevelt Park was named after Teddy Roosevelt, who gave a speech there at one time.  I had it in my mind that it was around 1912, after he had been president, when he was running for president again on the Bull Moose party ticket.  But I found out today that it was actually in 1900, when he was vice-president under McKinley.

Teddy Roosevelt wiki

across the street from Roosevelt Park

across the street from Roosevelt Park


plaque in park

plaque in park


Roosevelt Park has a lot of things going on.  The first picture below is Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker Jennifer Scheidies and Times-Call reporter Whitney Bryen, posing with a statue in the park.  It always looks like an alligator to me, but apparently it’s actually a giraffe.  The next few pictures are the ‘lost objects’ that Mrs. Giraffe lost in the park.

There is also a kid’s wading pool, a pretty amazing rose garden, an ice skating / concert pavilion, a Senior Center, recreation center, and playground.  The Statue of Liberty replica is right near the rec center.

Jennifer, Giraffe, and Whitney

Jennifer, Giraffe, and Whitney


lost purse

lost purse


lost umbrella

lost umbrella


lost tea set

lost tea set


lost gloves

lost gloves


lost mirror and brush

lost mirror and brush


just a small part of the rose garden

just a small part of the rose garden


Ice skating pavilion during the winter

Ice skating pavilion during the winter


Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty


kid's wading pool was popular today

kid’s wading pool was popular today


outside the Senior Center

outside the Senior Center



Some nice houses in the western part of today’s walk…

Roosevelt Park 050Roosevelt Park 052Roosevelt Park 055

Here’s a few of the businesses in the 8th and Main area.  In my April 6 blog (Historic East Longmont) you will see a picture I took of a giant baseball bat carved out of word… with ‘Home Run’ inscribed into the base.  It just occurred to me today that that may have been the former home of Home Run Heating… it’s only a few blocks away from the picture below.

Home Run Heating

Home Run Heating


Hidden cafe

Hidden cafe


Caffe Luna

Caffe Luna


beer-making supplies

beer-making supplies


narrow non-walkway

narrow non-walkway


alley art

alley art


sidewalk crossing art # 1

sidewalk crossing art # 1


sidewalk crossing art # 2

sidewalk crossing art # 2


and now another thirty pictures or so to finish things out.  Thanks for sticking it out to the end.  I promise you I usually don’t have this many photos.

rock sidewalk border

rock sidewalk border


The Primrose Path

The Primrose Path


Usually two guard-lions are enough... this house requires three

Usually two guard-lions are enough… this house requires three


porous rock

porous rock


this dog will dig out that gopher if it's the last thing he does!!!

this dog will dig out that gopher if it’s the last thing he does!!!


Fine China border

Fine China border


a lot of bumper stickers!

a lot of bumper stickers!


I believe this is Norwegian  for 'Welcome to our home'

I believe this is Norwegian for ‘Welcome to our home’


Rainbow Roof

Rainbow Roof


What's up, Doc?

What’s up, Doc?


photogenic church

photogenic church


I like stick figure families.. but I also like Grumpy Cat

I like stick figure families.. but I also like Grumpy Cat


bumper stickers

bumper stickers


waving to the Longmont Streetwalker as he passes by

waving to the Longmont Streetwalker as he passes by


Aussie crossing

Aussie crossing


Bear with fish (or bottle?)

Bear with fish (or bottle?)


Electrical insulator garden

Electrical insulator garden


Embarrassed dog

Passive/aggressive dog


The 3rd ski fence I've seen in my walks so far

The 3rd ski fence I’ve seen in my walks so far


Botanical front yard

Botanical front yard


Olde Towne Electric

Olde Towne Electric


not rude... just stating a fact

not rude… just stating a fact


another book lover... window full of books

another book lover… window full of books


New Creation Church

New Creation Church


Fairy tale adage

Fairy tale adage


Sailboat gnomon

Sailboat gnomon


Senior Living

Senior Living


more Senior Living

more Senior Living


hidden by the eave

hidden by the eave


Is that your natural hair color?  just wondering

Is that your natural hair color? just wondering


garden hopscotch

garden hopscotch


twin birdhouses

twin birdhouses


a polite request to dogs

a polite request to dogs



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