November 10 — Clover Creek

North of highway 119 (Diagonal), west of Fordham, south of Clover Basin, east of Airport Rd.

Total for today :   21,070 steps and  4:00 time. 

Today I covered the Clover Creek neighborhood, as well as business areas and farmland (horse properties) to the south, down to the diagonal.

Clover Creek neighborhood

Clover Creek neighborhood


Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day… a big ‘thank you’ to all veterans, including my dad.   Saw a fair number of flags out today.

Veteran’s Day wiki

Veteran's Day tomorrow

Veteran’s Day tomorrow


Almost missed seeing this ‘mini-moia’ in a yard…

Easter Island (Rapa Nui) wiki

Moia -- Easter Island statue

Moia — Easter Island statue



I unexpectedly came across a bike race as I walked past the Xilinx and Digital Globe campuses.   I don’t know a lot about bike racing, but it looked like a lot of waves, and a ‘sprint course’ appearing to be a mile or two long?



Xilinx from the Diagonal

Xilinx from the Diagonal


Xilinx from Fordham

Xilinx from Fordham

Logic Drive

Logic Drive

Bike Race today

Bike Race today

On your mark...  get set...

On your mark… get set…

... and they're off!!

… and they’re off!!

the next wave moves into position

the next wave moves into position

sponsor tent?

sponsor tent?

near the finish

near the finish

zig-zag course

zig-zag course



St. Vrain Valley School District

St. Vrain Valley School District


some unused classroom chairs out back

some unused classroom chairs out back


the jack o' lanterns get scarier as they start to decompose

the jack o’ lanterns get scarier as they start to decompose


Halloween isn't quite over yet

Halloween isn’t quite over yet


Lupine --- relating to a wolf (or lupin, a flowering plant)

Lupine — relating to a wolf (or lupin, a flowering plant)





Husker fan

Husker fan





saw TONS of rabbits today

saw TONS of rabbits today


Pumpkin Cheerleader

Pumpkin Cheerleader


Chimney smoke in the early morning sun

Chimney smoke in the early morning sun


cactus (and face?)

cactus (and face?)


Flower Tower

Flower Tower


charging elephant

charging elephant





faded bell plaque

faded bell plaque


What Would Jesus Drive?

What Would Jesus Drive?


deep in thought

deep in thought





Portal of the Day

Portal of the Day


2 lions, 2 geese, 1 lady

2 lions, 2 geese, 1 lady


actually north of Clover Basin, but didn't notice it when I walked that area

actually north of Clover Basin, but didn’t notice it when I walked that area


Clothesline Octopus (Jefferson Starship had a 1975 album 'Red Octopus')

Clothesline Octopus (Jefferson Starship had a 1975 album ‘Red Octopus’)


South Dakota School of Mines & Technology --- and  one-time Mesa State

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology — and one-time Mesa State


church just letting out, with nice view in the background

church just letting out, with nice view in the background





watchful watchdog

watchful watchdog


sunny catnap

sunny catnap


backyard marker --- a departed pet?

backyard marker — a departed pet?


footprints in the sidewalk

footprints in the sidewalk


mansions west of Airport

mansions west of Airport


south Airport road to no-where

south Airport road to no-where


horse farm

horse farm


morning snack

morning snack


maybe no longer called this

maybe no longer called this


flood wash-out on Lefthand Creek

flood wash-out on Lefthand Creek


bike-path temporarily closed along the diagonal

bike-path temporarily closed along the diagonal


Sun & Moon

Sun & Moon





Battling for supremacy

Battling for supremacy


Front yard meditation

Front yard meditation


laughing buddha

laughing buddha


not sure what this symbol is

not sure what this symbol is


Digital Globe entrance?

Digital Globe entrance?


Indiana fireflies

Indiana fireflies





A rather unique starting time for church!

A rather unique starting time for church!


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