November Progress Report

My totals for the month:  111,580 steps  in 21 hours and 44 minutes.

My totals for the year:  1,424,670 steps  in 262 hours and 57 minutes.

I only have four more outings to complete the years project…  (1) the neighborhood in the southwest part of town, south of Clover Basin and west of Airport, (2) east of south Main where the Longmont Museum and Rec Center are located, (3) Del Camino out by I-25 (not in the city limits, but I’m throwing it in), and (4) my neighborhood which contains Skyline High School.  So barring a broken leg or 3 feet of snow, I think I should finish by December 31st with no problem!

End of November

End of November



One thought on “November Progress Report

  1. I love your map of many colors! It’s fun to know that each colored area is one long walk. Today you did the museum area and I joined you for a couple blocks. I’m sorry I didn’t do that more on this year’s adventure. You are a trooper, Mark!

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