July 2 — Sunset Golf Course

North of 3rd, west of Sunset, south of 9th, east of Hover

Total for today 15,020 steps and 2:44 time.

No new state license plates, but found an Ontario, Canada, for my second Canadian plate

Ontario, Canada

Ontario, Canada


Not sure what this Moose and Bear is referring to.  It definitely made me think of ‘Moose and Squirrel’, a reference that you most likely will not get if you are under 50 years old…

Rocky & Bullwinkle youtube

Moose and Squirrel youtube (My Name is Earl reference)

Moose and Squirrel

Moose and Squirrel


I thought this was a boat at first, but googled the Finn Hydro Seeder and found out differently… it’s actually used for landscaping…

Hydroseeding wiki

Finn Hydroseeder T120

Finn Hydroseeder T120


I parked my bike at Sunset Pool and was starting my walk about about 5:25 am.  About 6 or 7 cars were arriving just as I was leaving the parking lot.  Apparently there is an early morning swim going on there.  Then as I was leaving on my bike at about 8:10 am, it looked like the middle of a swim team practice.  I’m not sure if this was the same group of people (that’s a long work-out), or if there was an early morning adult swim, and then a high school practice later.

The bike rack here needed the ‘Bike Rack’ label on it… otherwise I might have thought it was an art piece…

Bike Race artwork

Bike Race artwork


Early morning swim

Early morning swim


Swim team non-pool workout with giant plastic balls

Swim team non-pool workout with giant plastic balls


In the pool

In the pool

The Water Slide

The Water Slide


The Longmont water tower has always been a bit of a landmark while I’ve lived here.   But  it used to be just a round globe on top of the tower.  At some point, I don’t know when, they added the little ‘hat’ on top of the globe.  I just looked up  one day, and it was there.

Does anyone know when they added the ‘pillbox hat’ to the top of the tower, and what purpose it serves?   I’d love to know.

SunsetGolfCourse 013SunsetGolfCourse 012SunsetGolfCourse 052


Some of the pictures taken earlier in today’s walk are quite fuzzy… my camera doesn’t quite handle the lower light at 6 am as well.  But I’ll put them in anyway…

Sunset golf shelter

Sunset golf shelter


par 4 on 4

par 4 on 4


Sunset fairway

Sunset fairway


Sunset NW corner

Sunset NW corner


SunsetGolfCourse 020SunsetGolfCourse 021

Vineyard across (south of)  3rd

Vineyard across (south of) 3rd



Baptist church across 3rd

Baptist church across 3rd


Pretty window

Pretty window


Hillside neighborhood

Hillside neighborhood


Free couch

Free couch


Mailbox of the day

Mailbox of the day


Howling at the moon

Howling at the moon


2nd story meditation room

2nd story meditation room


Ken Mar is a much shorter street that Sherri Mar

Ken Mar is a much shorter street that Sherri Mar


St. Francis?

St. Francis?


Dog and deflated ballons

Dog and deflated ballons


Golf mailbox

Golf mailbox


Don't trip and fall in this driveway

Don’t trip and fall in this driveway


I was kinda wanting to avoid that...

I was kinda wanting to avoid that…


See February 16 blog for another set of Chichen Itza posts

See February 16 blog for another set of Chichen Itza posts


I think they own the county to the north...

I think they own the county to the north…





GIANT leaves

GIANT leaves


Large white orbs

Large white orbs


bumper sticker of the day

bumper sticker of the day



One thought on “July 2 — Sunset Golf Course

  1. I enjoyed your pictures and comments! I tried to figure out what the box on top of the water tower was, but all I could find online was that it is a new antenna structure that was added to the top of the water tower in Feb 2010. Interesting…

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