May 11 — Lake Shore / McIntosh Lake

North of 17th, west of Hover, south of Wedgewood/McIntosh Lake, east of Airport Road (actually Fowler Lane)

First of all… Happy Mother’s Day to all those mothers out there… and especially to my mom, who just coincidentally happens to be the best mom in the whole world!

I’m sure Sharon is right up there as well…

LakeShore 027



I chose today’s walking area because of the 3rd annual Happy Smackah 5 kilometer run/walk around McIntosh Lake.  This is a fundraiser event to help out somebody who, because of unforeseen medical conditions, needs financial assistance.  It was at 8:00 am this morning, so I did it before starting my other walking.  It’s a very low-key race, with no official timing, and with very low overhead, most, if not all, of the money raised goes to the cause.

Happy Smackah website

LakeShore 007

before the race

before the race


son-in-law David had a team of his soccer player, who finished right near the top

son-in-law David had a team of his soccer players, who finished right near the top


Face painting

Face painting


before the race --- Dawson Park artwork

before the race — Dawson Park artwork


Happy Smackah Sponsors

Happy Smackah Sponsors


... and they're off!!!

… and they’re off!!!


early morning fishermen on the lake

early morning fishermen on the lake


one-third done?

one-third done?


nice houses around the lake

nice houses around the lake


actually taken before the race

actually taken before the race


Mermaid for Dante's at Key West

Mermaid for Dante’s at Key West


Key West is on my bucket list of places to see before I die…  if for no other reason, just to see Ernest Hemingway’s 7-toed cats.

Key West wiki

Dante’s Key West website

Speaking of Dante’s Inferno… I read the book back in high school (The Divine Comedy).  A lot of the historical references went over my head then, and I’m sure they still would now.  But I did like the Gustave Dore illustrations in the book.

Dan Brown of Da Vinci Code fame is coming out with a new book “Inferno” in just a few days  (May 14th, I believe).  I quite enjoyed Angels and Demons, as well as The Da Vinci Code  (I know it was controversial…. but it’s just a novel).  I had high hopes for his next book. The Lost Symbol… and was very disappointed… seemed like he got pretty lazy with it.  I hoping the new book bounces back a little.

Dante Alighieri – The Divine Comedy wiki

Dan Brown wiki

This next sign made me think of the killer bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail… a comedy classic…

Killer Bunny youtube

LakeShore 039


Just so you know… the Longmont Streetwalker is always very conscientious in keeping his pace BELOW the posted speed limits!!!

LakeShore 031



Total for today:   I forgot my pedometer, so will estimate the steps.  Did the 5 K Happy Smackah in 53:41, and then 3:01 for the remainder of the walk.  So will do a conservative estimate of 24,000 steps and a total of 3:55 time

Two new license plates…  Louisiana and Tennessee

Well-trained dog

Well-trained dog


Jennifer says these are a variety of tulips

Jennifer says these are a variety of tulips


Star House

Star House


Portal of the Day

Portal of the Day


Another piscine mail box

Another piscine mail box


Grumpy turtle

Grumpy turtle


Apparently these front steps are seldom used...

Apparently these front steps are seldom used…


Pretty flowers

Pretty flowers


Presumably left home long ago

Presumably left home long ago



Curvy brickwork

Curvy brickwork


Victorian housing

Victorian housing

Nice house

Nice house


no thanks... I'll just walk

no thanks… I’ll just walk


Dragon weather vane

Dragon weather vane


Bears after the honeycomb

Bears after the honeycomb


Wheel in the Wall

Wheel in the Wall


Front yard artwork

Front yard artwork


Lake Shore subdivision

Lake Shore subdivision


Rooster Sentinel

Rooster Sentinel


Mama Mead's Pizza

Mama Mead’s Pizza


Grape hyacinth?

Grape hyacinth?


Little-used, unpaved alley

Little-used, unpaved alley

Weird GargoyleWeird Gargoyle


3 thoughts on “May 11 — Lake Shore / McIntosh Lake

  1. Yes those are grape hyacinth (if that was your question) – one of my favorite spring flowers. Keep up the good work Mark! your sis –

  2. It’s always fun to see what little treasures you find in our town. You’re about one third of the way through the year and hopefully on track for making it to every street in Longmont THIS year. Keep up the good work!

  3. I just found this via the “You Know You’re From Longmont…” page on facebook.

    The Wheel in the Wall was the entrance to my neighborhood… turning onto Cambridge Drive from 17th Avenue. And that little-used alley was behind my house. I used to go out our back gate and walk to Dawson Park… even before Dawson Park officially existed lol!

    Thanks for the memories.

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