November 16 — Mall + Pratt properties

North of Pike Road, west of Sunset, south of Nelson, east of Hover. Total for today :   20,310 steps (est.)  and  3:52 time. 

There is something about today’s walk which is stands out as unique from my other 60-some Longmont walks this year.   See if you can guess what it is…  I’ll give the answer at the end of today’s blog.


Although I’ve seen a number of these statues before, I never realized that the animal statues were such an  iconic part of the Pratt properties insignia…




Mountain Goat?

Mountain Goat?














Bear catching fish

Bear catching fish


Beware a moose bearing gifts...

Beware a moose bearing gifts…


Puma? Lynx?

Puma? Lynx?


Buck chasing doe...

Buck chasing doe…


a bunch of wolves (coyotes?)

a bunch of wolves (coyotes?)

a bunch of wolves (coyotes?)



At the time, I didn’t really appreciate the impact Ken Pratt had on Longmont development (in the mid 1980’s, but in walking this area, I can see that he really did have a big impact on Longmont development.   The Pratt areas seem to be a well-developed commercial  area. I didn’t know that a small cemetery area had been reserved for the Pratt family (west of Sunset,  immediately west of the Burlington cemetery).  It has the burial site of Ken Pratt himself, as well as perhaps 20 family members.  A rather unique feature is that a lot of the gravestones have an engraved signature in the handwriting of the person buried there.

Pratt+North 169Pratt+North 164Pratt+North 167Pratt+North 185Pratt+North 173Pratt+North 186Pratt+North 187Pratt+North 189



I’m not sure if I agree, but the Twin Peaks Mall area, which was started around 1984, not long after we moved here, is now designated as a blighted area…. So I thought I should take a few photographs of it… considering it may all be torn down / renovated  in the next year or so…


Twin Peaks mall

Twin Peaks mall


what showing at the movie theater

what showing at the movie theater

I don't remember what this restaurant was... some help, here..
I don’t remember what this restaurant was… some help, here..

FEMA flood location

FEMA flood location

west entrance of Twin Peak s mall

west entrance of Twin Peak s mall

flood recovery # 2

flood recovery # 2

bridge by the bank...

bridge by the bank…

businesses NW of mall

businesses NW of mall

Cliff Rogge dental office

Cliff Rogge dental office

Lots of party supplies

Lots of party supplies

Zumba extradoire

Zumba extraordinaire

don't drive down into the ditch (behind Hobby Lobby)

don’t drive down into the ditch (behind Hobby Lobby)

hot rod car in the parking lot

hot rod car in the parking lot

east entrance to the mall

east entrance to the mall

Dillards was always a fine coporate citizen (in my opinion)

Dillards was always a fine coporate citizen (in my opinion)

New Plans for the Mall

New Plans for the Mall


FLOWER BIN Flower Bin is a long-time Longmont asset…


Flower Bin

Flower Bin


Flower Bin Entrance

Flower Bin Entrance


Goose at Flower Bin

Goose at Flower Bin




Oskar Blues Brewery started out in Lyons, but now has a pretty big presence in Longmont as well.  I think I recently read that it’s also branching out to another location, in think in Lafayette (or maybe Louisville)

Oskar Blues van

Oskar Blues van


Oskar Blues newer bus

Oskar Blues newer bus



Oskar Blues older bus # 2 (back end)

Oskar Blues older bus # 2 (back end)

Oskar Blues older bus # 1Oskar Blues older bus # 1


Oskar Blues anti-corporate offices

Oskar Blues anti-corporate offices


Oskar Blues far view

Oskar Blues far view


close-up of Tasty Weasel tasting room

close-up of Tasty Weasel tasting room


Oskar Blues restaurant (used to be 'The Silo')

Oskar Blues restaurant (used to be ‘The Silo’)


THE REST OF THE PICTURES FOR THE DAY (plus, at the end, the answer to what is unique about this area as compared to every other neighborhood I’ve walked this year…  in case you have figured it out yet)

South Sunset

South Sunset


Sunset Academy

Sunset Academy


Calvary Chapel

Calvary Chapel


Dog  Day Care

Dog Day Care


Railroad signals

Railroad signals

west toward Boulder

west toward Boulder

Used to be the Skating Rink

Used to be the Skating Rink

used to be the skating rink # 2

used to be the skating rink # 2


sky structure

sky structure


I don't know what it does.... let's turn in on and find out!

I don’t know what it does…. let’s turn in on and find out!


Fitness circuit

Fitness circuit





Dot Hill (high tech?)

Dot Hill (high tech?)


Pratt building # 1

Pratt building # 1


Pratt building # 2

Pratt building # 2


bottom half an old street light??

bottom half an old street light??


MME (mixed martial arts) gym

MME (mixed martial arts) gym


dead end at loading area

dead end at loading area


reflections of a Longmont Street Walker

reflections of a Longmont Street Walker


not as big as it looks in this picture

not as big as it looks in this picture





Left Hand Design

Left Hand Design


portal of the day

portal of the day


baby bootie and cigarette

baby bootie and cigarette


telescope dome (?) at FRCC

telescope dome (?) at FRCC


business area SE of Hover and Ken Pratt Blvd.

business area SE of Hover and Ken Pratt Blvd.





Red Lobster

Red Lobster


The Egg & I

The Egg & I


Reserved parking --- only for non-Johnny Carino's customers!

Reserved parking — only for non-Johnny Carino’s customers!


Sports Authority mural close-up # 1

Sports Authority mural close-up # 1


Sports Authority mural close-up # 2

Sports Authority mural close-up # 2


Sports Authority mural close-up # 3

Sports Authority mural close-up # 3


Sports Authority mural close-up # 4

Sports Authority mural close-up # 4


and that’s it for today.

If you made it this far…

did you figure out what is somewhat surprisingly unique (at least to me), of this walking area, as opposed to the other 70-odd areas I’m walking this year?

ANSWER:   This is the only area I’ve walked this year that has no residential area!  As far as I can tell, there is not a single ‘private’ living area in this neighborhood.  The Vance Brand Airport area came close to fitting this description as well, but it had a couple of farmhouses on it, which I’m pretty sure were still occupied.


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