November 3 — SW of 3rd and Main

North of Ken Pratt Blvd (Hwy 119), west of Hwy 287 (Main St.), south of 3rd St., east of railroad / Gay St.

Total for today :   25,000 steps and  5:12 time.  (estimating steps…. pedometer failed)

This includes areas that were hit pretty bad by the September flooding.


St. Vrain Greenway near Pratt Parkway

St. Vrain Greenway near Pratt Parkway


This tire snagged on a tree branch was a good 15 feet above the current level

This tire snagged on a tree branch was a good 15 feet above the current level


trees and branches

trees and branches


rocky picnic area

rocky picnic area


St. Vrain Greenway closed off in places

St. Vrain Greenway closed off in places


near Main ; collapse by bike path

near Main ; collapse by bike path


Brian L. at T&M Automotive does great work at a reasonable price.  His young nephew helped on the clean-up after the flood, and a great photo of him helping appeared in People magazine the week after the flood.  It also often appeared on some of the Denver TV stations newcasts.

I don’t know who to credit as the photographer, but here is the photo…

Brian's nephew (not sure who photo credit goes to)

Brian’s nephew hard at work   (not sure who photo credit goes to)


T & M Automotive up and running again

T & M Automotive up and running again (in front of same door as above photo)


Budget Hardware parking lot was flooded

Budget Hardware parking lot was flooded


Royal Trailer Park right by the St. Vrain

Royal Trailer Park right by the St. Vrain


SWof3Main 048SWof3Main 049

I think the X's were to indicate which trailers they had checked already

I think the X’s were to indicate which trailers they had checked already


debris at the fence level

debris at the fence level


more branches

more branches


more wash-out along the bike path

more wash-out along the bike path


SWof3Main 063SWof3Main 068SWof3Main 200

These last 3 flood pictures are from 2nd and Bross.  If you look at my page of pictures from the flooding back in September (September 13),  at the very end you will see some photos from this same spot that you can compare to these.

visible water line

visible water line


covered with water back in September

covered with water back in September


flood debris waiting to be hauled off

flood debris waiting to be hauled off

… but enough of flooding aftermath pictures.  I’m impressed with how well and how quickly the area is recovering.


This is the only overpass in Longmont.  I didn’t realize there was a plaque at the north end of it telling about it.  I didn’t know it was completed just about 5 years before we moved to Longmont.  It’s a pretty impressive structure, and it’s nice to have as an option when there’s a long train going by.

Overpass plaque

Overpass plaque


View from the top

View from the top


west side of overpass

west side of overpass


Long's Peak under the overpass

Long’s Peak under the overpass



I’ve put in a few pictures of U-Haul truck over the year.  I like their idea of high-lighting an interesting fact about each state.  It’s educational and also makes the truck more attractive.

The first one depicts the Belzoni, Mississippi Catfish Festival.   I had never heard of Belzoni before… apparently it’s a pretty small town… but it knows catfish!!

Belzoni Catfish Festival 2009 photos (flickr site)

Belzoni, Mississippi  -- Catfish Capital

Belzoni, Mississippi — Catfish Capital


New Orleans

New Orleans


New Jersey unique minerals

New Jersey unique minerals


Alaska -- Goshawks in Tongass National Forest

Alaska — Goshawks in Tongass National Forest



SWof3Main 287SWof3Main 288SWof3Main 289SWof3Main 290SWof3Main 291SWof3Main 295

Milk House

Milk House



SWof3Main 293SWof3Main 296

northern area

northern area


SWof3Main 299SWof3Main 300



This is a dead end area that was apparently a pretty active area at one time, but there’s really no reason to go up there at this time.  I know I had never walked or driven there before.  A few years ago some kids got in trouble for starting a fire there, and the buildings are closed off for safety reasons.

1st & Terry

1st & Terry



no trespassing

no trespassing


old abandoned RR tracks end there

old abandoned RR tracks end there


old abandoned car

old abandoned car


cat art in 2nd & Terry cul-de-sac

cat (or mouse?) art embedded in sidewalk at 2nd & Terry cul-de-sac

cul-de-sac near 2nd & Terrycul-de-sac near 2nd & Terry


View of silos from the west side

View of silos from the northwest side


Cheese Importers moved recently.  The new location used to be a city-owned utility building, and also was used as a museum storage area for a while.  I heard a rumor that it was supposedly haunted, with chains clanking late a night.  Don’t know if the haunting has passed on to the new owners.  But it has certainly been doing very brisk business lately, with the parking lot overflowing.

The following Monty Python clip is very funny:

Monty Python Cheese Shop youtube

The former Cheese Importers building

The former Cheese Importers building


East side of Cheese Importers building

East side of Cheese Importers building


West side (main entrance?) of Cheese Importers

West side (main entrance?) of Cheese Importers


Coincidentally, this I saw this laying curbside just a few blocks away from Cheese Importers

Coincidentally, I saw this this laying curbside just a few blocks away from Cheese Importers


The word Serendipity, meaning ‘happy accident’ or ‘pleasant surprise’, comes from an old Persian story “The Three Princes of Serendip”…

The Three Princes of Serendip wiki





upside-down hanging bat

upside-down hanging bat





jack o' lanterns with art column

jack o’ lanterns with art column


giant spider (with robot man and pueblo, etc.?)

giant spider (with robot man and pueblo, etc.?)


left background - skunk; seahorses; right foreground - mouse

left background – skunk; seahorses; right foreground – mouse


not sure if this is left-over halloween or R-rated front porch art

not sure if this is left-over halloween or R-rated front porch art


The remaining photos will be split up into residential photos and business photos…


This sign got hit (again) by a vehicle recently

This sign got hit (again) by a vehicle recently


historic house

historic house


yard art

yard art


Cool Window of the Day

Cool Window of the Day


Atlas, jr.

Atlas, jr.


Buddha (with what in lap?)

Buddha (with what in lap?)


modern art

modern art


surviving the flood

surviving the flood


3 birdhouses

3 birdhouses


proud grandparents

proud grandparents


squirrel on front legs

squirrel on front legs


sitting angel

sitting angel


Peace + Love

Peace + Love


Four Flying Fowls

Four Flying Fowls


Many Flying Fowls

Many Flying Fowls


another historic house

another historic house


wooden statue

wooden statue


Bumper sticker of the Day (with double meaning)

Bumper sticker of the Day (with double meaning)


going to seed

going to seed


vagabond passing through town

vagabond passing through town


side fence art

side fence art


yard cherub

yard cherub


Carriage House

Carriage House


Cool House

Cool House


Keys to the Cool House?!?

Keys to the Cool House?!?


another yard statue

another yard statue


yard art

yard art


Awesome Front Porch Genie (or Mr. Clean?)

Awesome Front Porch Genie (or Mr. Clean?)


stone walls

stone walls


housing complex playground

housing complex playground


BUSINESSES  (there’s a lot more picture, so skip them if not interested….)

various businesses

various businesses


not exactly a business, I guess

not exactly a business, I guess


Zach's (auto transmissions?)

Zach’s (auto transmissions?)


art outside Zach's

art outside Zach’s


Sugarbeet restaurant

Sugarbeet restaurant


shopping center businesses

shopping center businesses


Four popular businesses

Four popular businesses


La Mariposa & Pole Fitness

La Mariposa & Pole Fitness


Popular store for Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker

Popular store for Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker


bus stop ad for Front Range Community College

bus stop ad for Front Range Community College


Does anybody know why they want you to 'BACK IN ONLY' ??

Does anybody know why they want you to ‘BACK IN ONLY’ ??


Window art

Window art


ICS (not sure what they do)

ICS (not sure what they do)


Haystack Mountain Creamery

Haystack Mountain Creamery


Army vehicle (helping with flood recovery?)

Army vehicle (helping with flood recovery?)


Montessori school

Montessori school


Icebox Knitting

Icebox Knitting


not sure what the J  -- H indicate

not sure what the J — H indicate

daycare art

daycare art


Legion Post 32

Legion Post 32


Batteries Plus (they've always had what I needed in stock!)

Batteries Plus (they’ve always had what I needed in stock!)


part of the Fire Station

part of the Fire Station


I've always considered the Premier Building (Rose?) to be one of the most impressive buildings in town

I’ve always considered the Premier Building (Rose?) to be one of the most impressive buildings in town


another view (I've only been inside there once, though)

another view (I’ve only been inside there once, though)


Lucky's Market

Lucky’s Market


this store makes Jennifer wish we had grandchildren!

this store makes Jennifer wish we had grandchildren!





Las Palmeras (used to be Woody's --- best trivia in town!)

Las Palmeras (used to be Woody’s — best trivia in town!)


Burlington Medical (used to be Ute Creek Charter HS; bowling alley before that)

Burlington Medical (used to be Ute Creek Charter HS; bowling alley before that)


no longer in business (with Sub Factory)

no longer in business (with Sub Factory)


formerly Armadillo's restaurant

formerly Armadillo’s restaurant


was a movie theater LONG ago

was a movie theater LONG ago


strip mall

strip mall


Car lot with Skyline High School colors

Car lot with Skyline High School colors


cute name

cute name


Used to be Swanky Frank's

Used to be Swanky Frank’s


temporarily closed (due to flooding?)

temporarily closed (due to flooding?)


power station

power station


Stan's Hardwood

Stan’s Hardwood


Don's Custom Countertops

Don’s Custom Countertops


201 Tattoo

201 Tattoo


Savvy Seconds

Savvy Seconds


La Tortuga's patio

La Tortuga’s patio


Kismet (fate?)

Kismet (fate?)


Santiago's (good burritos!)

Santiago’s (good burritos!)


Main street building emblem

Main street building emblem










One thought on “November 3 — SW of 3rd and Main

  1. I love your Longmont Streetwalker blog! Had a comment about Kismet. It is a hair salon and alternative healing studio. It has a lovely flower garden behind the fence.

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