September 29 — West of South Hover

North of the Diagonal (highway 119), west of Hover, south of Nelson Road, east of Fordham.

Total for today :  25,340 steps and  4:32 time. 

It’s mostly all businesses (both retail and manufacturing) and a bit of open space in today’s walk.  The Legacy Apartments are in the northern part (I didn’t realize how big a development this is… perhaps the largest apartment complex in Longmont?)

When I first came to Longmont in 1983, I started working for Storage Technology Corporation (later StorageTek).  I was a testing software engineer for their eventually-abandoned Optical Disk project.  The building is still there, but I’m not sure what company/companies occupy it now.  Sun Microsystems bought StorageTek in 2005, and Oracle bought Sun in 2010.  I see there’s a big Oracle sign on the back (north) side of the building now, but not much to indicate what’s there from the south (main?) entrance.

(Oh.. with a little more research, it appears that Digital Globe also has a significant presence in this area.)

Storage Technology wiki

Old StorageTek building south (main?) entrance

Old StorageTek building south (main?) entrance


Old StorageTek building -- back parking lot from the northeast

Old StorageTek building — back parking lot from the northeast

Old StorageTek building from north (Oracle)

Old StorageTek building from north (Oracle)


The streets on the northside of StorageTek/Oracle have funny names.  If you zoom in on the photo immediately below, you see there is a NO WAY ST. there.  And going north from there is NO NAME BLVD.  I am honestly a little confused by the sign posted below the NO NAME BLVD.    It says no trespassing or loitering, but it seems like a public street, with legitimate access to the businesses there.  I admit the NO WAY and NO NAME street signs are a little smaller than the usual Longmont street signs.

(AND, with a little more research… I see that the Longmont phone book does not show a NO WAY or NO NAME street.  And when I try to virtually ‘drive’ down NO NAME with my virtual ‘google-car’, it does not allow me to do so.  But there is the sign for Gateway Center with several businesses listed shown below, within a few feet of the ‘no trespassing’ sign.  So it appears it may be a privately owned, not city owned street… but as long as you just use it for access to the businesses in the area, you’re going to be okay.

zoom in to see NO WAY street sign

zoom in to see NO WAY street sign


the street with no name

the street with no name


Private Property -- no tresspassing or loitering on NO NAME Blvd.

Private Property — no tresspassing or loitering on NO NAME Blvd.


but here are some of the businesses you can access from it...

but here are some of the businesses you can access from it…


Directly south of the old Storage Technology building, in the median of the Diagonal (highway 119 leading to Boulder), there is an art piece, called ‘Spirit of Longmont’.   It appears it’s really only made to be viewing from a vehicle, since there is no path to it, and no plaque (that I saw).   There’s a solar panel there, which I’m guessing is to light up the globe at night.  I guess I maybe have never driven by it at night.

The ‘leaves’ on the sculpture turn in the wind, and make a pretty spooky ‘creaky haunted house’ sound every once in a while.

StVrainCentre 027StVrainCentre 032StVrainCentre 033

Save Oaky Woods (in central (state of) Georgia) web site

Save Oaky Woods

Save Oaky Woods


balloon to the west

balloon to the west


three balloons to the west

three balloons to the west


Oskar Blues silo

Oskar Blues silo


gully gulch

gully gulch





how much do they actually  do that?  and how does it work?

how much do they actually do that? and how does it work?


a bit ironic

a bit ironic


close-up on ironic

close-up on ironic


swamp land near hwy 119 & Fordham

swamp land near hwy 119 & Fordham


out of the swamp

out of the swamp


south Fordham substation

south Fordham substation





Namaste ... (an east Indian greeting/salutation?)

Namaste … (an east Indian greeting/salutation?)


Flood assistance at the mall

Flood assistance at the mall

5 layers, going from earth to sky

5 layers, going from earth to sky



Is this the biggest apartment complex in Longmont?

Legacy Apartments

Legacy Apartments


map of the complex

map of the complex


Legacy apartments

Legacy apartments



and the rest of the pictures today are various businesses in the area… a LOT of them.  So stick around if that interests you… or else call it a day!



McDonald's + gas prices

McDonald’s + gas prices


for Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker (though she spells it 'Jenni')

for Mrs. Longmont Streetwalker (though she spells it ‘Jenni’)


a few of the many St. Vrain Centre businesses

a few of the many St. Vrain Centre businesses


Noodles & Co. / Wahoo Fish Taco

Noodles & Co. / Wahoo Fish Taco


more St. Vrain Centre businesses

more St. Vrain Centre businesses


Texas Roadhouse

Texas Roadhouse


yet more businesses

yet more businesses






Sushi Leo


Anthony’s Pizza & Pasta



King Soopers / JCP

King Soopers / JCP


Holiday Inn Express & Suites

Holiday Inn Express & Suites


Synkera (with Streetwalker reflection in window)

Synkera (with Streetwalker reflection in window)


Array Biopharma

Array Biopharma


Kho's Asian Bistro

Kho’s Asian Bistro


Primrose School child care

Primrose School child care


4 chimneys

4 chimneys



Alta Vista assisted living (with hummingbird)

Alta Vista assisted living (with hummingbird)


TI, Digital Retirement, and re bit (wonder what that is?  -- recycled data??!?)

TI, Digital Retirement, and re bit (wonder what that is? — recycled data??!? I like the frog pun, though)


Bright Horizons child care

Bright Horizons child care


Sundrop fuels (solar?)

Sundrop fuels (solar?)


King Soopers

King Soopers


JC Penney

JC Penney


Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente




Arete AssociatesArete Associates








2 thoughts on “September 29 — West of South Hover

  1. Pingback: Where Do the Streets Have No Name? Everywhere, in America | Colorado News Feed

  2. Pingback: Where Do the Streets Have No Name? Everywhere, in America | Sanguine Laginchey

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